Who Are We?

During his lifetime, W.T. Laube was determined to spend the first half of his life making money and the second half giving it away, of which he described “it will be much harder to give it away than make it.” Due to unfortunate circumstances he was never able to fulfill this dream himself. The responsibility was passed on to his daughter, Miko, to execute this in his absence and to chose charitable causes she deems he would feel equally passionate towards.

William Tell Laube III was an international entrepreneur who brought Styker’s modern medical devices to places around the world. He made Hong Kong his home in order to make this technology available throughout Asia. Living and traveling abroad were especially rewarding to him because it allowed him to understand and appreciate other countries and cultures. He devoted himself to passing on his skills and experience to the next generation. His personal passions included musical theatre, classical music and performance art.

Miko Kepko
The daughter of WT Laube, Miko Kepko oversees all aspects of the foundation. As a Brown University graduate with a degree in Psychology, she determines what organizations will have the most impact within the mission of the foundation. Formerly a resident of San Francisco where she has worn the hats of fashion designer, photographer and magazine editor, she is now a proud resident of St Petersburg, Florida. It is her pleasure to serve as a volunteer at other non-profits to more fully realize the foundation's goals. From her experience in motherhood, she feels compelled to help children and families realize their best lives possible with the foundation's help. She has taken it upon herself to realize, investigate and understand the realities of the underworld surrounding human tracking and child exploitation and seeks every opportunity to dismantle and destroy them with organizations devoted to these goals.
Yukako Laube
As the widow of WT Laube, she is the motivation behind our commitment to military veterans and first responders, especially in cases of our wounded and fallen heroes. Both she and her husband were deeply impacted by the events surrounding 9-11. That day has been etched in the minds of all foundation members and propels the contributions towards people putting their lives at risk for the safety and freedom of others. Yuka is a Japanese native who has lived in the United States for almost 50 years. She was a child born at the end of WW2 and has tremendous compassion for those impacted by war.

Thomas T. Huff, Esq.
Tom is a lifetime, trusted friend of the Laube family. He is the foundation’s attorney who manages the foundation’s portfolio and designates the yearly giving. He lives with his wife, children and many grandchildren in Kalamazoo, MI where W.T. Laube got his start in the medical goods industry.

Jonathan G. Kepko, Esq.
Husband to the founder, Miko, Jon handles much of the foundation’s initial outreach and sources 501c3 organizations for consideration. As a former captain in the Air Force, Jon has a special connection to the military and has found many of our favorite military charities. While he works as an attorney in Tampa, he is an amateur Ironman and responsible for finding athletic programs in line with the foundation’s target groups, namely children and veterans.